Diminishing Musharakah

Diminishing Musharakah financing facility is based on the concept of Shirkat ul Milk & this product will focus on the customers who are looking to avail financing by creating joint ownership of the bank & the customer in a particular asset. After creation of co-ownership, the Bank will then rent out its portion in the asset to the customer for periodic rental payments and in the meanwhile customer would also periodically purchase Bank’s partial ownership in the asset such that the Customer would become the sole owner of the asset at the maturity of the transaction.


  • Diminishing Musharakah can be used by small, medium, commercial enterprises & corporate entities.
  • Diminishing Musharakah is an ideal mode for medium to long term finance as it offers flexible financing terms to match the Customers’ requirements.

    Last Update: 01/09/2024 02:21

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